Jan 22Liked by Melissa Gopp-Warner (she/her)

This book looks intriguing, a clash of outdated 19th century beliefs and twentieth century catastrophes whose root was those mistaken beliefs.

Jane Eyre and her kin (Brontes, Wharton, Austen,Dickens, even Thackery) got me through much of young motherhood. I tend to read books extending forgiveness toward the author for developments they could not have foreseen, but I understand how many younger readers chafe at then contemporary but now outmoded attitudes.

I like your point about reading deeply. Some books deserve a second pass, despite their historical failings, seen in retrospect. Audio can sometimes only convey part of a book, linear as it is, in presentation. The physical book makes mulling over one potent paragraph easier, in my (outdated?)opinion. Thank you for the recommendation.

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Jan 9Liked by Melissa Gopp-Warner (she/her)

Adding this one to my queue! It feels important to remember that slow, sacred communion with one book enriches us more than 50, hastily read. Thanks for this, Melissa!

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